Nicholas Hamilton


First Hit:  Although the characters were engaging and well defined, this film was uninteresting, long and lacked suspense.

It is sad when a film bills itself as horror and it doesn’t create any such feeling. Although the character “It” (AKA Pennywise) was appropriately evil looking, the jerky back and forth movement when it tried to be scary came off as pressed and silly.

As a set-up, the town of Derry, where the film takes place, has a history of young kids going missing and the town doesn't seem to concerned about this.

The kids in this film were distinctly defined. The tough bully kids, led by a policeman’s son named Henry Bowers (Nicholas Hamilton), was sufficiently mean. His angst and bully ways came from the way his father treated him.

The group of nerds were perfectly developed with their own backgrounds and reasons for being part of the nerd group.

The story begins with a young boy Bill Denbrough (Jaeden Lieberher) folding a piece of paper to make a boat for his younger brother Georgie (Jackson Robert Scott) so that Georgie can float the boat down a rain filled street gutter. The boat gets sucked down the storm drain and this is when the audience gets introduced to ‘It’ aka: 'Pennywise' (Bill Skarsgard). Luring the boy to reach down and get his boat, the boy disappears down the drain.

At school Bill is consoled by his nerd friends Richie (Finn Wolfhard), Eddie (Jack Dylan Grazer), and Stanley (Wyatt Oleff). They soon join forces with other nerds and outcasts Ben (Jeremy Ray Taylor), Beverly (Sophia Lillis), and Mike (Chosen Jacobs) as they band together after having separate experiences with what scares each of them.

What ‘It’ does is that it finds out what scares each kid and presents it to them to lure them into the lair below the city streets in the sewers and old water system of Derry.

As expected, the kids band together and solve the issue of the missing children.

The wonderful interaction within the nerdy group of kids was excellent. They had their differences with each other but their deep friendship prevailed over everything.

The interaction between Henry and his father were appropriately intense and gave a solid base for Henry's bullying. Then there was Beverly’s relationship with her father, which was creepily perfect.

The bikes, the drugstore, library and town’s main street were well sourced and perfect for the era. The darkness of the haunted house and sewer system were good in their representation, however, I never felt any fear feeling during the film. I didn’t get afraid for the kids, nor did I sense enough suspense to make it a horror film.

Lieberher was excellent as the stuttering young boy who loved his brother and fell with great affection for Beverly. Hamilton was excellent as the bully who wanted to show his father that he was unafraid and tough. Scott was very good as the young boy who fell under It's spell. Skarsgard was good as Pennywise ‘It’. Taylor was fantastic as the overweight nerd who was enchanted by Beverly. Lillis was sublime as the only girl in the group. Her fearlessness was perfect. Wolfhard, Jacobs, Grazer and Oleff were very good. Chase Palmer and Cary Fukunaga wrote a mediocre screenplay in that the story lacked real engagement and was too long. Andy Muschietti was the director. Although the children’s performances were excellent, he didn’t create any real suspense and horror based fear. The film dragged on way too long.

Overall:  This was a disappointment because the characters were good but the story and interaction between the vehicle of fear and the kids was done mediocrely.

Captain Fantastic

First Hit:  This is an amazing film about family, love, and the belief in doing something different.

This film stayed with me for days after watching it. The strength of the film is in the characters.

I’m not sure where they got the name for the film, but to let you know it has nothing to do with a fantasy comic book character and all to do with an amazing man brave enough to raise his children in a way that makes them fully responsible for their actions, by giving the skills to make good choices, and allowing them the freedom to discover.

Viggo Mortensen (as the father Ben) has a daily regimen for his six children that includes, hunting, climbing, running, exercise, reading, cooking, cleaning, and helping their siblings. They are living somewhere deep in the woods in the Pacific Northwest far away from any city and the noise of urban and suburban America.

The children all speak at least four languages and the truth when they talk. They have been home-schooled, are resilient, and each have their unique personal strengths that come out in the film. We learn that their mother Leslie (Trin Miller) has been in the hospital for 3 months for her struggles of being bipolar.

Ben then learns on a trip to town to get mail and supplies, that she has committed suicide. He tells the children in a very straightforward manner and their grieving process is touchingly shown. They want to go to the funeral but Leslie’s father Jack (Frank Langella) forbids it and threatens Ben with being arrested. He blames Ben for Leslie’s life choices and for making his daughter ill.

Of course the audience and Abigail, (Ann Dowd) Leslie’s mom, knows different; but it makes for some riveting scenes between Ben and Jack. During the trip to the funeral, they visit Leslie’s sister Harper (Kathryn Hahn), brother-in-law Dave (Steve Zahn), and their two boys. The scenes during this visit are interesting as well as hilarious.

Mortensen again reminds me here about how good an actor he is. He is fantastic (maybe why the film was named this) and clearly shows why he’s a great actor. George McKay (as Bo) was amazing as the oldest son. Samantha Isler (as Kielyr) was so present and strong as the oldest daughter. Annaliese Basso (as Vespyr) was sublime as the second oldest daughter. Nicholas Hamilton (as Rellian) was the second oldest son was wonderful in his pivotal role. Shree Crooks and Charlie Shotwell (as Zaja and Nai respectively) played the two youngest children and they brought so much humor and joy to the film that it would have been far less without them. Langella was perfect as the conservative, wealthy father of Leslie who stressed about the path his daughter took. Dowd was great as the slightly oppressed wife of Langella while being understanding of her son-in-law Ben and her daughter’s wishes. Matt Ross wrote and directed this film. The writing was outstanding, sharp, pointed and elegant all at the same time. His direction was spot on, leaving the audience to engage and learn more about this family.

Overall:  One of the very best films I’ve seen all year.
