First Hit: The opening scene was worth the price of admission and the rest of the film held up rather well.
The opening scene of this film gives you a window on one of the most labor intensive assembly lines that you will ever see. Row upon row upon row of people putting together things. The camera just moves on and on and on.
I was recently in Shenzhen China and what I notice was that the Chinese put people to work. Even if something could be automated, they put people to the task because it is their largest resource.
The rest of the film may not be as impressive as the opening shot but it was powerful in its own way. One example is watching people break up old circuit boards by hand for the minute parts and pieces of metal they can sell.
Another scene which stayed with me long after the film was over was of a woman putting together a breaker switch - unbelievable that she does this day in and day out.
I didn't think the director was attempting to make any particular point, other than China pays people to do a lot of things we wouldn't normally pay people to do, and that the effects of this labor intensive environment along with how the environment handles the waste is pretty compelling.
Compelling us to think about what we are doing to our world.
Overall: It was definitely interesting.