First Hit: Overall, in spots, this was a reasonably OK film in other spots it was barely mediocre.
What I liked was Samuel L. Jackson as the former down on his luck boxer.
His homelessness was fit because the choice as to why he was homeless was presented. His anxiety about going into the home of his wife was very plausible. He learned to move like a boxer for this role and he presented a believable former boxer.
Josh Hartnett, however didn’t strike me as a reporter and his character seemed unreal. I couldn’t “get” his path or his struggle and I never really got at a deep level why his wife separated from him. What drove them apart?
There were other unclear aspects of this film like how he got close to the young girl doing research for him. There was chemistry and... Was this a source of his wife’s separating from him? And I didn’t get the connection between him and his boss either, was it good, bad, indifferent?
Overall: Maybe a video film, but certainly not what this film could have been. I think the premise was ripe for a good film.