First Hit: Ashley Judd puts on an Oscar performance in this outstanding psychological thriller. It is not a horror film.
I don’t know who didn’t do their job: The person who named the film or the person in charge of promoting it.
Whoever did these things missed the boat. This was a first rate psychological thriller. To watch Ashley make the slow slide into the dark abyss of the mind was outstanding. I don’t think many people saw this film. I think the few people who were in the theater with me were expecting a horror film.
Why would I say this? Because I heard nervous laughs during the critical junctures when the film was making yet another step into the abyss. Believe me; this film reaches out and touches the effects of paranoia.
If any of you have ever spent time with someone who is deeply paranoid you will see the truths of this film.
Overall: As noted on my Web Page I like films that allow me to enter their world and this one invites you to do just this. Take a leap of faith and try it, I did and I am glad I did.