First Hit: This is David Cronenberg film is very well made and kept me present, involved, and in suspense the whole time.
The History of Violence, David’s previous film, was well crafted and starred Viggo Mortensen as does this one.
I really enjoy films which focus on subcultures in large cities and how their indiscretions are hidden by false fronts. The Godfather films did this and Eastern Promises does this as well.
Naomi Watts plays a midwife who finds herself deeply attached to a baby whose 14 year old mother had died. She desperately wants to find the mother's family so that the baby will not get trapped in England’s foster child system.
In her search she stumbles on to the Russian mafia in London and discovers the father of the baby is the mafia’s leader. Viggo is “just the driver” but he is someone who is becoming entwined in the mafia for other reasons: Power, money, savior, glory or twist of fate…
Overall: This is a suspenseful thriller that will keep you entertained and watching and the end is well delivered.