Although I didn’t see all the films that came out this year, I did see quite a few (133). There were films which may have made the list but because I didn't see them they cannot be considered ("Revolutionary Road" and "Doubt" to name two). Therefore My Top Ten Films of year, in no particular order, are:
Slumdog Millionaire – Thoroughly loved this film – saw it twice it was just as good the second time.
I’ve Loved You So Long – An incredible performance by Kristen Scott Thomas.
The Wrestler – Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei are phenomenal.
Milk – Sean Penn and Gus Van Sant delivered a powerful period piece.
Frost / Nixon – This film was simple but wonderful performances shined an amazing light on the man who abused the office of The Presidency.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona – One of the best Woody Allen films ever and he brought out the wonderful Penelope Cruz.
The Visitor – Richard Jenkins shows he’s capable of carrying a film and is not just a character actor – he’s great.
Wall-E – I loved how the first 45 minutes unfolded. Two words of dialog and it struck home.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas – Although a very sad tale, the performances of both boys and the mother in this film are outstanding.
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days – This low budget film was powerfully realistic and captured friendship and trauma of difficult decisions.