First Hit: This film has a few laughs but basically falls flat on a cold wet tea bag (Darjeeling that is).
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put this film together again.
Anyone who has been to India will note that the crowdedness of the city streets (the initial taxi ride) and railway stations are not represented here. In one scene when they are running to catch their train the background crowd is lined up with their backs to the building and looking at the camera and scene being shot.
Normally that train platform would have been full of people. It is too bad the story has them riding first class because doing so is partially the reason their “spiritual quest” is denied and the film fails. It might have been more comedic and interesting if they had to travel as most of the common people travel.
The story line about the mother leaving them falls flat as well.
I could not picture these guys to be brothers; especially Jason Schwartzman who co-wrote and had a producer credit and was one of the prime movers of the film.
Wes Anderson does create some wonderful visual colorful pictures but it does not make up for a weak script and poor acting. Lastly the thought that an Indian woman attendant would have “a quickie” with one of the brothers was preposterous and demeaning.
Overall: Don’t waste your time or money on this film there isn’t much of a story here.