First Hit: This is a made for 3D film with some interesting visuals but generally the film seemed long in the tooth.
If you see this film in 3D IMAX you are in for a visual treat.
The film is shot with numerous scenes headed straight for the audience. You will jump and move at some of these effects.
The story, however, is less interesting. I am surprised that Anthony Hopkins and some of the other actors did this film. The story is rather weak but the animation is very well done.
The story is about seduction, vengeance and repeating cycles. Beowulf comes to a kingdom being attacked by the son of a beast.
The son, Grendel, attacks the King’s celebrations. Beowulf, kills the son of the beast. The beast takes vengeance against them all by creating, through seduction, the same cycle over and over again.
Overall: See it for the 3-D effects not for the story and you won’t be disappointed.