First Hit: For me it was lighthearted and kept my grandchildren entertained.
There are funny bits in this film which, actually, surprised me. Many of the films made from comic books or television cartoons fail or don't work at all. Scooby Doo was one of the recent failures.
This one did work and in some odd and funny ways which is to its credit.
I like Underdog's attempt to find a tagline. Many of the choices were stupidly funny. When Underdog makes his first rescue attempt and flies through the city in an uncontrolled manner to save a female dog he had just met, I was amused and felt like the filmmakers got it. They got the surprise and the sense of not being in control combined with the will to wanting to save the day.
When he took the sandwich out of a person's hand while in this uncontrolled flight, my grandson burst out in laughter. It worked.
Although the whole thing was a bit far fetched and very light hearted, it did hit the spot for light amusement.