First Hit: A very fine film of a young boy attempting to make sense of the world after the loss of his father. By embracing a group of skinheads he begins to find himself.
No doubt about this film showing a slice of England during the Falkland Islands’ War.
Although we don’t get much of this boy’s past relationship with his father, somehow you know this man was important to him. There was a safety and security that is now missing. He is picked on by other boys at school because of the clothes he wears and he chooses to fight back. You are aware he knows right from wrong and you understand his short fuse and outbursts of anger.
A group of skinheads befriend him and he begins to have fun again. This transition shows how easy it is for kids to become part of a gang (good or bad) because there is a sense of belonging. And with this sense of belonging we might do things we wouldn’t do otherwise.
The gang makes him feel like he belongs, they give him an place to express. He truly reflected the joy of the age when something as simple as “Doc Martins” can be so important. When the true leader of the gang gets out of prison and returns the film moves into high gear.
This is a wonderful story about a young boy finding his way and learning how to make decisions.
Overall: This was a wonderful slice of life that many don’t see but understand.