First Hit: It started out fairly well but as it went on, I just didn’t buy the story.
Terrence Howard and Jodie Foster give wonderful performances for the most part. I had some difficulty with the moment of transition for Jodie.
In other words the reasons for her switching from someone who loves the streets and people of New York as espoused on her radio show job, to deadly killer just didn’t work. There was this supposed build up of her fear and anger after she left the hospital with her not being able to go outside and being scared from every noise that interrupted the space around her.
The final moment of this shift, or the straw that broke the camel's back, was when she was in the police station waiting to see someone about her case. It just wasn’t enough for me to buy it. However, Jodie showed my why she has been a great actress for all these years by staying with the character and making it feel intense.
There were moments I saw the little girl from Taxi Driver who was vulnerable, intense, wise, and interesting and it made my heart smile.
Her voiceover in this film, as the radio personality, are wonderful because the quality of her voice was deep, soulful and believable.
Overall: This was an OK film, not memorable but if you like Jodie it’s worth seeing.