First Hit: What a waste of time and energy.
This previously made story has finally hit its zenith of being bad.
Seeing Liam Neeson take on the role of Zeus was simply shocking. Why would he downgrade his resume with this? He did speak one fine line, “Release the Kraken” but I saw this in the previews. The same almost goes for Ralph Fiennes as Hades.
Except with Ralph there were a couple interesting moments which lasted more than one line long, but mostly it was a waste of his talent as well. Sam Worthington plays Perseus (son of Zeus) and the promise he showed in Avatar was totally absent in his role here.
I won’t go into the story here as it has been done before and the bottom line is Perseus saves the human world… ta-da (the end).
Louis Leterrier directed this mess and one would think that with the abilities of computer animation, Neeson, Fiennes, and Worthington something interesting might have been made of this remade film. But what we get is mediocre 3D (lots of shadowing), bad costuming, and ash people riding scorpions. Even the Kraken got little full face screen time.
Overall: I’d much rather watch the 1981 version; at least I could laugh in good conscious.