First Hit: I learned something about the Spanish Inquisition and I thought Natalie Portman was good, but this film ended up being a ghost.
I didn’t understand whose eyes we were looking through while the film played.
At times it seem that we were looking through Goya's and other times, I don't know. Goya’s work is not featured very well and as the film progresses it becomes clear it isn’t about Goya’s art but more about his good deeds. He is reluctant helper at first, and after that hurdle is made, his helping becomes the core of Goya in this film.
I knew virtually nothing about the Spanish Inquisition and the film made me interested to look up some of the events of this time.
I liked Natalie Portman in this film as well and she did a good job in her two roles.
Everything else was mediocre – oh well it happens.