First Hit: A somewhat tepid film with some nice emotional moments and left me wondering about Jane’s life.
I don’t know much about Jane Austen and I don’t think this film provides much factual information in this way, however it did leave me curious about her life and that is probably a good thing.
There were only moments in the film where I thought I was seeing or experiencing Jane Austin. However the last scenes when we were experiencing an older Jane I felt a congruence about the character and the previous experiences shared in the film. This pulled the film together.
In thinking back on the title of the film, if the scenes that were shown created this wonderful writer, I guess I would have liked a few more scenes with the mature, grown up, accomplished writer to see what she had turned into.
It is like the film left that up to the books Jane wrote and unless one has read them, then... I liked most of the other characters Julie Walters and James Cromwell are good as her parents and James McAvoy is solid as the young man Jane falls for and learns from.
Laurence Fox as Mr. Wisley, grew on me in the film and the flashes of insightful intelligence work with his social bumbling with Jane.
Overall, a nice film, nothing to write home about.