Julie Christie

The Company You Keep

First Hit:  I liked it because it effectively reminded me of the subject events, how they happened, and how it affected me.

The Weather Underground made a splash in 1969 when they grew out of the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) and announced they would fight violence with violence.

The SDS focused on trying to stop the Vietnam War through non-violent means. The Weatherman decided that maybe our government would only hear the mood of a majority of its citizens, which was “to stop the war” and to “stop the killing” if they brought violence to make their point. In other words will the government only hear the will of the people if they act as the government acts, violently.

Many younger people may not understand or “get” what it was like when government troops attacked (not just tear gas, they shot and killed) students on campuses in our country.

Being in Vietnam at that time I realized, first hand, the reason for their protest. We were in a foreign country killing people we “thought” we should kill because our government said we should kill them. The reality is that we were bullying our beliefs in another country. Sound familiar?

Our government can and will create stories to make their decisions right. That is what this film is about. It is about Jim Grant/Nick Sloan (Robert Redford) hiding and running away because the government “believes” it is right about thinking that Sloan and another Weathermen Sharon Solarz (Susan Sarandon) killed a bank security guard in a bank robbery back in 1970’s.

The beginning of this film Solarz turns herself in after 30 years. This causes a small town reporter Ben (Shia LaBeouf) to dig out the truth. Grant is quickly identified as Sloan so he goes on the run again. While on the run he connects with his fellow Weathermen. These were the most interesting parts of the film.

Sloan knows who killed the security guard, wants them to turn themselves in so he can raise his daughter. He won’t turn them in because that is the code of the weathermen. Mimi Lurie (Julie Christie) was this person and through the underground network they meet to discuss the dilemma. At their meeting they also talk about the girl they parented back then which plays on their decisions then and now.

Redford seemed a little old for the role especially when he is shown in the film with a 10 year old daughter. However, I could sense his belief in the subject and he brought that belief and intensity to the role. Sarandon also seemed to embody her role with belief, sadness, and truth. Christie was wonderful and embodied the role of a strong rebellious woman. LaBeouf was good as the reporter and vehicle to move the story along and he mixed well with the older actors. Richard Jenkins as Jed Lewis was really good as the radical who found a way to present his material to younger people. Lem Dobbs wrote a strong (at moments) screen play. There are lines sharing the philosophy of the Weathermen and those times that were great. Redford directed this with an understanding of the times and it worked.

Overall: This was a good/not great film and it touched some of the difficult thoughts I have about our country that haven’t died.

New York, I Love You

First Hit: This was a fun, interesting and heartwarming film.

Numerous small films make up this film. Each film provides a view and set of characters you will find in New York.

The thief, the hooker, the charmer, the beautiful wife, the interested husband, the newlyweds, the artist and a hopeful muse, the smooth talker, a father and his daughter and the observer. There are lots of characters in the 11 different stories which meld together and, at times, overlap. But what rings true to this film is that they are all believable.

There is the beautiful Julie Christie as an aged singer thinking about ending her life, but the hotel manager and room service boy give her a sense of peace. There are two scenes taking place outside restaurants where a couple has a conversation while smoking cigarettes. In one conversation perceptions are misconstrued and in another wants and hopes are expressed.

The artist sees a shopkeeper and draws her with an obsession. There is a diamond buyer and seller with affection for each other but neither will know what it is like to live with such a love; their religion and life take them each on a different but joyous path.

A thief takes a wallet and gets confronted by his victim and his girlfriend. There is the old couple, played by Cloris Leachman and Eli Wallach, whose dialogue is real, loving and is filled with the richness of spending 65 years together.

I won’t call out any of the directors or actors for their specific roles. What I will say is that it was wonderful from stem to stern.

Overall: Wonderful feel good film showing sides of New York and the people who live there.
