First Hit: Another powerful film detailing the criminality of the Bush lead White House.
This film starts and ends with the case of an Afghan taxi driver (Dilawar) beaten to death while in U.S. custody in Afghanistan.
New York Times reporter Carlotta Gall begins her investigation of his death and in-turn starts to mine the depth of US Military prison abuses in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The film interviews a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner along with other US officials and military prison guard personnel. It is obvious that the US Government, under the direction of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others directed systematic torture techniques to force confessions from prisoners, many of these confessions were lies just to stop the beatings.
Beating people to support our governments presuppositions is demeaning to our countries founders and its current citizens. I left the theater shamed that our government knowingly defied Geneva Conventions and tortured these prisoners.
This film was well done and systematically puts its case to the audience. It is up for an Oscar and this is a deserved nomination.
Overall: This is a must see as providing a good basis and understanding as to why people in other countries want to kill US Citizens. Our current governments stupefying arrogance is shameful.