Cameron Crowe


First Hit:  At times the story was whimsical, then thoughtful, and generally improbable.

This film seemed like it didn’t know what it wanted to be. Was it a romance? Was it about how rich people and their companies try to influence and deceive the government for their own gain? Or was it about the culture and people of Hawaii and how they been treated by the government?

It probably was supposed to be all three and it failed because, in the end, the film didn’t work. I enjoyed the relationship between Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) and Allison Ng (Emma Stone). My heart was pulled by Gilcrest trying to put closure on his previous relationship with Tracy Woodside (Rachel McAdams).

The scenes between Brian and his friend John “Woody” Woodside (John Krasinski), Tracy’s current husband, were priceless.

The story about how the government is contracting satellite launches to private companies is real but the added piece that the contractor put a nuclear device on the satellite was improbable. This seemed to be part of the film so that there could be a hero. The part that would have made this story more interesting would have been to add scenes about native Hawaiians and how they viewed the land and the sky. Some of the more beautiful scenes were when Gilcrest and Ng were with the Hawaiians on their sacred land.

For the most part this film didn’t know what it wanted to be and the fault lies with the writer and director, Cameron Crowe.

Cooper was really good in moments in the film. When he’s working relationships, he’s superb, when it involves him working his job, his acting comes off as mixed and not embodied. Stone’s character was a little high strung for me and, I think, for her as well. It didn’t come off very well. When she settled down a little she created a wonderful character and it worked. Her chemistry with Cooper was great. John Krasinski was excellent as the silent quiet man who struggled with letting his feelings being shared. Bill Murray as the business man Carson Welch who was attempting to put the armed satellite into space was OK, but not really a great fit. Rachel McAdams, as Cooper’s old girlfriend and Krasinski’s wife, was good and her performance and believability was elevated when her daughter’s blood line was revealed. Best scene in the film? Probably when Gilcrest stands outside his daughter’s dance studio and they connect eye to eye. Cameron Crowe seem mixed in his ability to create and execute a cohesive story and film.

Overall:  Having the three stories in one film didn’t work and ended up creating a scattered, somewhat lifeless movie.

We Bought a Zoo

First Hit: Despite its obvious intentions to elicit emotions, it effectively works on all cylinders.

It is hard to think that Matt Damon can be in a bad film.

I wondered about the title of this movie and the previews that I saw had me thinking - maybe. But as he said on The Daily Show “It’s a Cameron Crowe film.” Yup, it is true and it is good.

The overall acting by everyone is top notch. Crowe got what he needed from everyone.

This film is about a Benjamin Mee (Damon) who loses his wife and is left with two kids; Dylan (played by Colin Ford) a 14 year old boy and Rosie (played by Maggie Elizabeth Jones) a 6 year old girl. They miss their mom just as Benjamin misses his wife every single day.

Benjamin gets advice and support from his very close brother Duncan (played by Thomas Haden Church) who is an accountant and has his own life struggles. Feeling stuck in their lives, Benjamin leaves the city and moves his family outside into the country by buying a rundown and soon to be closed down zoo.

Rosie is happy, Dylan is angry, Duncan is confused, and Benjamin is doing his best to find a way to let go of the memories of Katherine is wife (played by Stephanie Szostak). Running the zoo is the former zoo keeper apprentice Kelly Foster (played by Scarlett Johansson). All the zoo workers are unique in their own way and this film lets them all have their moments.

The story’s goal is to get the zoo open by July 7th and they only have a few months. This journey is one of forgiveness, letting go, letting love, hard work and the results of “giving yourself 20 seconds of insane courage”.

Damon is amazing. He brings courage, confidence, thoughtfulness, anger, sadness and laughter to his character. Ford is wonderful as the frustrated teen who is very lost. Jones is unbelievably wonderful as the wondrous daughter. Church is perfect as the supportive but ever skeptical funny protective brother. Johansson is sublime as the zoo keeper who has confidence and is looking for someone to match this. Elle Fanning as Lily was super as the open fearless girl who has a crush. The entire cast is simply wonderful and that is because of the well written story by Aline Brosh McKenna and Cameron Crowe and the perfect direction by Crowe.

Overall: This is a very good and heart-warming PG film.
