Adam Sevani

Step Up 3 in 3D

First Hit: Predictable and without the strobe-light effect on the dancers it would have been far more interesting to watch.

This story has the end given to you at the beginning. You know they will win the competition. You know the first two characters you interact with are friends who will become more; it is obvious.

Moose (played by Adam Sevani) comes to the NYU campus with his lifelong friend Camille (played by Alyson Stoner). He promises Camille and his family to study engineering because it is in the "real world".

But within the first few moments he finds himself in a dance off with the king of the spontaneous Central Park dancers. Moose is a wonderful natural dancer and everyone who watched him in the park is impressed. This includes Luke (played by Rick Malambri) who sees Moose as someone he wants to add to his dance team to possibly win the $100,000 prize for a dance contest.

It is obvious from the beginning what is going to happen but they break up this dull foretold story with some good dancing which they ruined each time they used the strobe-light effect.

It actually took away from watching the real skill and talent displayed by these actors/dancers.

Sevani has some wonderful moves, is natural and was fun to watch. Stoner was sweet, cute and a pretty good dancer herself. Malambri played the brooding and caring guy who gives homes to dancers and his payoff is to film them. He's OK in the part, but with a story like this I don't know if he can act. Jon Chu wasted his time and actor's talent with this effort.

Overall: Not much of a film, predictable story but some great dancing ruined by strobe-lights.
